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Showing posts from June, 2012


Galatians 6:9 New International Version (NIV) 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Have you ever been working, waiting, or standing in the gap for anyone? In such times of testing and prayer did you ever think how easy it would be to give up? It seems that while we are going through we loose sight of the goal GOD has set before us! We focus on our discomfort and take the burden onto our own backs instead of leaning on GOD's everlasting arms. The struggle itself is not the problem. However, our main problem is our human condition. We cannot do it all on our own. We must constantly look in the mirror and remind ourselves that we are not alone. . . Ever! We must remember who our GOD is. GOD will never allow you to go through a problem without bringing you to your blessing. It may take more time than you would like to endure. However the outcome and harvest gained is what's needed. If you are ...


And he said to them , "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation" . Mark 16:15 The enemy would like you to believe that your casual invite of a friend is enough to fulfill the "Great Commission". When you get some one to fill a seat in your weekly worship service do you feel good about getting them to come to church? Do you feel as if you have done enough? Let me ask you this. . .. If you saw a child drowning in a pool what length would you go to save them? Would you only tell them to swim from the sideline? Would you go as far as to throw them a life line? Or would you consider jumping in and pulling them to the pools edge? What do you think their parents would want you to do? What would you do for your own child? When we invite someone to church and rely on the pastor to lead them to Christ we are not doing everything we can to save that lost soul. We are not fulfilling the "Great Commission". It is not your pasto...


Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!" Luke 24:5b-6a Before we were saved we spent all of our lives searching for something. We search for things to fill that anoying void that is deep within us. We look for food, jobs, spouses, friends, degrees, and happiness. But when we got saved we found "it". We found that one thing that can turn the tide in our lives. However once that search was over a new one should have began. We should be looking towards Jesus and seek after His wisdom. So essentially we will always be a race of seekers. When we are in the world we seek things that cannot sustain life. But when we find Jesus we recieve life and begin to seek a closer understanding of His word and will in our lives. This new search enhances and guides our journey towards GOD's destination . It will speak to all the other choices we have previously sought. In other words instead of looking for your spouse, now you are pray...

Be Afraid? Be Very Afraid?

Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again." (Exodus 14:13) Fear VS Faith!! Which one will win in your life? There are many stories and verses in the bible that tell us not to be fearful. I love this one in Exodus because most of us can really relate to it. The children of Israel had their backs to the wall, or should we say the "water" . They could only see fear. They saw their sudden death approach them in the form of their past master, Pharaoh, and his army approaching. So many of us are in the same place. Our past is on our heels and desiring us to fall back into the deadly spiral we have just recently escaped from. We are afraid of the uncertainty the future in front of us holds.  We have hopes and dreams but the sound of the approaching past drowns out our hope and stirs up our fears.  We think: "What if it doesn...