John 20:9 for until then they still hadn't understood the Scriptures that said Jesus must rise from the dead The life we live is full! Full of tears, lessons, and seasons. The perceived failures of our lives are opportunities for GOD. . . Yet the world will never understand why we cling to a GOD that allows us to live in such a world. For the worst day on earth is better than the best day in hell. Consequently the best day on earth is nothing compared to a second in heaven. With this in mind praise GOD when you are going through. When we think of the humiliated, broken body of Christ on the cross we rejoice. We rejoice because it should have been us. Even though the act was horrible, the result was beautiful. When you are going through trials, the world will not understand your praise. When you are broken, crucified, and humiliated, the world cannot comprehend why you are at peace. Before the rise there must be a fall. Count on the falling...