Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he Everyone sees themselves in a certain light. Men of importance place themselves on a pedestal while others see themselves as worth less than what they really are. These thoughts are manifested by the words you speak. You may not talk about yourself directly but you give insight to the value you set for yourself via the tone and nature of your attitude towards life that is highlighted by the way you communicate (verbal, and non-verbal)! The question I ask you is: What do you think of yourself? I will not just hear the answer. I will see it as well. I will see it in your actions and hear it in your words. Others will know if you love yourself by how you carry yourself. Some will see the confidence you have for your future by the goals you set for yourself. Deeper still, I will know the content and source of your character by where you put your faith and whom you con...