James 4:14
Yet you do not know
what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears
for a little time and then vanishes.
Our plans and plots are
events that we try to cram into the short time we have on this earth. The term YOLO is very true. We only have one life, and one short chance
to live and make a difference in this world.
When we make plans for our lives we are, at best, looking at a very
small slice of time. Our time is like a
seed. A seed is small! Yet it will
leave a legacy that will be manifested in the tree and fruit that is
produced. The seed will die but what it
leaves behind speaks to what was planted.
What have you decided
to do with your time? Strive to let your
life edify God and leave a legacy of love via your life of expression. Express the gift that God has given you
through His son Jesus Christ in each moment of your life. Never take one second for granted. Life is short, so please don’t waste it. Dedicate it to pleasing God and loving
Rev. M. Harrison
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