So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself,
and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a
stone at her. John 8:7
Even though we know better, do we live parts of our lives in
secret as if GOD is not watching. We need to ask God to shine a light on the
areas we need to fix. Yes we need
fixing. Just as no man could throw the first stone at the woman caught in
adultery, we cannot cast any judgment on to anyone but ourselves. We do not deserve anything but death because of our sin.
If we are dirty, and in no way worthy of GOD’s attention, then
WHY!?!?!,. .even though we deserve the
stones to be thrown upon us does GOD cover for us. In this scripture we are manifested in the
face of the adulterous woman. At one
point in our lives we have chosen our way over GOD’s way. Realize that when we
choose our way over GOD’s way that is sin.
Just as Satan sinned when pride entered his heart and he vowed to raise
himself above the throne of GOD, we mimic that line of thinking when we choose
to serve our flesh over GOD.
The law called for the woman to be stoned. And GOD says that
the wages of sin is death. So why did
Jesus cover for her!?. . . Love is why! GOD is love. Sin would have to be paid
for but GOD would reserve payment for himself. Just as Jesus provided a way to
show the woman mercy, and in Jesus GOD has shown the world mercy from the wages
of sin, Jesus is the fulfillment of GOD’s plan of love.
We are to live as if we are manifesting the fruits of love
in our everyday lives. Yes you will struggle within your flesh. And yes some
days you will fall short. Repent and ask GOD for strength in your walk. Never
stop fighting and give all of your struggles to GOD. The fight is not yours,
but GOD’s. You cannot win under your own power. GOD will see you through. It does not matter if its drug, sex, gambling, alcohol, or a food addiction, GOD can and
will deliver you. Just keep your goal of deliverance in your heart and prayers
and keep fighting and praying.
Be encouraged! Your past and present struggles do not define
who you are. You have an advocate that speaks for you even while you were in
your sin. Jesus stands ready to forgive and offers forgiveness and salvation to
any who believes on him. He will show up, and show out. When you are facing
judgment and death He will deliver you.
Rev. M. Harrison
Awesome! So true