Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the
church and gave Himself up for her.
Ephesians 5:25
Ephesians 5:25
People talk about the “Love” being gone when their marriage
ends. They speak of “Love” as a feeling that is missing when they decide to
call it quits. However Love is a decision that you have to make every day. We have a very narrow and fleshly view of
love. We are focused on how everything feels, instead of the work it takes to
make love. The bible says that “God is
Love”. God is the ultimate picture and goal of how we should treat each other
and live together as brothers and sisters, and Husbands and wives. He does
everything with a purpose. Even in his wrath he has a purpose for us and has
made a way for us. God showed his love
for us via his own sacrifice.
When was the last time you had to give up something dear to
you for the one you love? When have you had to do more than compromise in order
to show that you really loved someone in word and in actions? This is the
example God set by giving his son. Jesus set a the standard by his obedience and
love for the father. Jesus gave his life out of love.
Husbands do you love your wife enough to give your
life for her? Do you love her enough to forsake every other beautiful woman you
see on this earth until you die? I know
saying you would die for her may be easier for some of you. But this is the
type of commitment love expects and takes. In a way when you live your life
influenced by love you do sacrifice your old life for a new one. You give your
own urges away to accept new ones rooted in the seat of love. Choosing love each day is more than words,
sex, or material actions. It is an oath, and a commitment, that takes GOD to
truly accept and fulfill. He is the source. And without him in the midst of
your relationships and in your heart you are just going through the motions. He
is the difference between loving someone and truly being in love.
Those of you are tired of being married, and are
ready to be “in love”, listen, and Let GOD into your relationships. Choose to
loose and lose yourself in order to grasp and gain love. Accept the fact, like Jesus, you will have to
sacrifice in order for love to truly take root. Love will lead you to give the best and only
things you cherish in this world in order to achieve the relationship you have
always wanted. God wanted you so he gave
his only . . . perfect . . . begotten son. Jesus gave his all, and was willing
to put his life on the line to have a relationship just with you. This is the passion that true love demands.
This is the price and choice you make when you make a lifelong commitment. And
when you are willing to do this without hesitation, or reservation, even when
you know the other person may not do the same for you . . . You are in Love. Live and love as if you could lose it at any
moment. Fight for the person you love
each day by the way you live for, and love them. Accept them the way they are,
and make them better through love and care. Build up and never tear down. Hold
but do not imprison. It is not enough to
love. . . Be “in Love”.
Be encouraged. Keep praying, Keep staying together,
and love one another.
I love you always, and in all ways.
Rev. M. Harrison
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