Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert
Some of us are stuck in our present and being held back by our past. We struggle with what might be and what “was”, all the while God is shining a light on the door that leads into a place of renewal and challenge. The question is; Why do we hesitate to turn the key and accept the challenge?
We must be open and faithful to the plan of God in our lives. In our past and present we have developed a perceived control, but our future is totally in God’s hands. We need to recognize and accept that in all things God’s will needs to be done. Do not let fear, and uncertainty become the stumbling blocks that motivate you to sway from God’s plan. Be bold and accept his will and way for your future. Look for his guidance and leave the past where it belongs.
Be encouraged! Just when you think your past is going to repeat itself, God is prepared to do something new right before your eyes. Don’t stop trying to have that baby, land that dream job, or branch out into your calling! God can and will make a way out of no way. All you need to do is ask, pray, believe and walk in faith. God will do the rest! Will you be ready?
I love you always and in all ways.
Rev. M. Harrison
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