1Jn_5:4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.
In life we lose. We lose jobs, friends, girlfriends and loved ones, to downsizing, time, and death. We lose ourselves in the opinions of others and the world. Some would say "That's life". But the word says "Php_1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain".
What are we focusing on in this world? To many of us never learn how to lose. We are in essence "sore losers" who teach our kids to be "sore losers". There is a old song that says:
"Little flowers never worry when the wind begins to blow. . . If it never ever rains then they will never ever grow."
All of your troubles, set backs,and losses are not what the world makes them out to be. They are opportunities for GOD to work in our lives. And there will be plenty of opportunities for GOD to show up and out. As we Live in this world and become born again in the new life in Christ, we encounter the same conditions as the non believer. However we know that the worst things that can happen in the world are but temporary. This world and our losses are not the final words in our story. After we lose our lives for Christ, He gives us a new life. A victorious life! There is no problem that can stop, or defeat you. Remember :
1Jn 4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world.
Life in Christ means life without loss. A life of everlasting return for what the world has taken away. GOD has taken care and will restore all loss for all time. The check that secured our victory was signed in the blood of GOD. The gift of eternal victory starting today is just paradigm shift away. You have to be willing to let go of the things in the world you have been holding on to in order to receive this gift. Even as saved Christians we are like children who hold on tight to a penny when our parents are trying to slip us a 1oo dollar bill.
Why hold on to loss when you can receive victory. Why hoard defeat for the sake of what this finite world has to offer when Jesus is offering eternal life. Don't settle for anything less that what GOD has for you.
Remember I love you always, and in all ways.
Rev. M. Harrison
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