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Showing posts from October, 2012


  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1   Some of you have asked GOD for a breakthrough, a new job, a child, or a husband.   Some of you have been waiting so long and have gotten so close only to feel as if the answers to your prayers have slipped through your fingers.   Some of you are losing, or have lost hope.   As a result your prayers are not fueled by faith and you only ask GOD because it is the only thing you can do.   You are essentially bracing yourself for the impact of rock bottom.   You ask "WHY and WHEN LORD?"   Each day becomes a struggle to move forward and your faith is giving way to fear.     If this describes you I would like to ask you "WHY and WHEN oh faithful of GOD?"   Why do you doubt when GOD's resume is ever fresh in your life.   When will you stop carrying GOD around in your pocket as if...

Drop it!!!!

Ephesians 4:32 ESV Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. How can you love God, and still be upset with that family member that owes you 200 dollars from twelve years ago.   We say we would die for the cause of Christ and His gospel, but it would almost kill us to speak to the person who wronged us. When this life ends, all of the wrongs and anger will fade away and all that you will face will be GOD’s judgment for how you spent you time here. How can you really believe that you have lived a life of love when your neighbor or your family member has been on your “ill will” list for the past 5 years. Don’t you think it’s time to practice the love you profess? It is time to stop letting hurt, pain, and un-forgiveness occupy your heart. How can you fully become what God has commanded you to be when this issue lingers in your life? When you hold that memory, and pain in your heart you give Satan a foothold in your life. You...


Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.  Ephesians 5:25 People talk about the “Love” being gone when their marriage ends. They speak of “Love” as a feeling that is missing when they decide to call it quits. However Love is a decision that you have to make every day.   We have a very narrow and fleshly view of love. We are focused on how everything feels, instead of the work it takes to make love.   The bible says that “God is Love”. God is the ultimate picture and goal of how we should treat each other and live together as brothers and sisters, and Husbands and wives. He does everything with a purpose. Even in his wrath he has a purpose for us and has made a way for us. God   showed his love for us via his own sacrifice. When was the last time you had to give up something dear to you for the one you love? When have you had to do more than compromise in order to show that you really loved someone in word and in ...


Matthew 22:32 God isn't the God of the dead, but of the living. Some struggle with “what was”.  Others struggle with “what’s to come”.  Their focus is constantly on what they have done or would have done. In these cases that person is just living, and never really gets to be alive.  Christ came to put the past to bed. He came to handle the affairs of your future. Worry never fixes what GOD has already planned.  The past is done. Those who have betrayed you and those you have betrayed are a part of the story leading to salvation.  In other words, they are just a piece of the story that makes up your testimony. They are you life’s lesson.  To think of them in any other way or to dwell on them in hopes to see how you would have changed anything is counterproductive. That old relationship or any expired experience is gone.  Commit to being alive. Commit to Christ and leave everything at his feet. Connect your heart to his and listen for the direc...


So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. John 8:7 Even though we know better, do we live parts of our lives in secret as if GOD is not watching. We need to ask God to shine a light on the areas we need to fix.   Yes we need fixing. Just as no man could throw the first stone at the woman caught in adultery, we cannot cast any judgment on to anyone but ourselves. We do not deserve  anything but death because of our sin. If we are dirty, and in no way worthy of GOD’s attention, then WHY!?!?!,.   .even though we deserve the stones to be thrown upon us does GOD cover for us.   In this scripture we are manifested in the face of the adulterous woman.   At one point in our lives we have chosen our way over GOD’s way. Realize that when we choose our way over GOD’s way that is sin.   Just as Satan sinned when pride entered his heart and he vowed to r...