John 3:19 (NKJV)
19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
What is our problem as people? Some groups would want you to focus on the acts, or how society has provided access to sin. Alcohol, Adultery, Murder, Pornography, Gluttony, Greed, etc.. etc.., are on a lists of acts that many would have you focus on.
However I would argue that these are a manifestation and reflection of the true problem in our world. Yes all of these things are bad but they are not "THE PROBLEM". Lets look at Satan who is the model for all sin and is the Father of sin.
(Isa 14:13 NASB) But you [have said] in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the [remotest part] of the north.
The Bible says that Satan's problem started in his heart. Ezekiel 28:15 states that Satan was perfect until iniquity, or pride was found in him. So the sin problems are in response to a heart problem. The word states that when Christ enters into us he creates in us a clean (new) heart and we are new creatures in Him.
With that said, if you have not had your heart transplant spiritually, and you think you are really doing good by not performing any of the acts associated with sin you may want to take another look at your spiritual walk.
The real problem when you perform an act of sin is your hearts decision to make yourself greater than GOD by choosing your way over His way. When you sin you are making yourself to be like He is; and deciding in your heart what is good and what is evil. Does this line sound familiar?...
The devil said to Eve!
(Genesis 3:4-5:)4 (A)But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
"Like GOD"(or equal with GOD) wow! How many times have you essentially said..."I am going to be like God, I know what's right and wrong." The first thing we should all realize about sin is it's our choice to do it. GOD always provides a way out and in the end we make the decision.
So now you can see how ridiculous it is to blame anything or anyone. Blame your own heart for your sins. Yes, our society is full of the temptations and devils that draw us to sin, but in the end the problem is in the individuals heart. Those who disagree will say things like:
"If there weren't so many beautiful women in the world then I wouldn't cheat on my wife!"
"If they didn't sell beer in walmart then I wouldn't get drunk!"
"If people wouldn't cut me off in traffic then I would not have to curse them out! "
A woman who wears a mini skirt is not the sin. Rather your hearts desire to lust after her is the sin. Drinking is not the sin. Your lack of desire to stop drinking before you get drunk is the problem. Sin is manifest from what our hearts are filled with. Ask GOD to address the real problem, your heart! And once you have given your heart to him do not take it back. Live a life of confirmation of the new heart he has given you, instead of a life of contamination that taints it.
Be encouraged and know I love you all ways and in always.
Rev. M. Harrison
19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
What is our problem as people? Some groups would want you to focus on the acts, or how society has provided access to sin. Alcohol, Adultery, Murder, Pornography, Gluttony, Greed, etc.. etc.., are on a lists of acts that many would have you focus on.
However I would argue that these are a manifestation and reflection of the true problem in our world. Yes all of these things are bad but they are not "THE PROBLEM". Lets look at Satan who is the model for all sin and is the Father of sin.
(Isa 14:13 NASB) But you [have said] in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the [remotest part] of the north.
The Bible says that Satan's problem started in his heart. Ezekiel 28:15 states that Satan was perfect until iniquity, or pride was found in him. So the sin problems are in response to a heart problem. The word states that when Christ enters into us he creates in us a clean (new) heart and we are new creatures in Him.
With that said, if you have not had your heart transplant spiritually, and you think you are really doing good by not performing any of the acts associated with sin you may want to take another look at your spiritual walk.
The real problem when you perform an act of sin is your hearts decision to make yourself greater than GOD by choosing your way over His way. When you sin you are making yourself to be like He is; and deciding in your heart what is good and what is evil. Does this line sound familiar?...
The devil said to Eve!
(Genesis 3:4-5:)4 (A)But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
"Like GOD"(or equal with GOD) wow! How many times have you essentially said..."I am going to be like God, I know what's right and wrong." The first thing we should all realize about sin is it's our choice to do it. GOD always provides a way out and in the end we make the decision.
So now you can see how ridiculous it is to blame anything or anyone. Blame your own heart for your sins. Yes, our society is full of the temptations and devils that draw us to sin, but in the end the problem is in the individuals heart. Those who disagree will say things like:
"If there weren't so many beautiful women in the world then I wouldn't cheat on my wife!"
"If they didn't sell beer in walmart then I wouldn't get drunk!"
"If people wouldn't cut me off in traffic then I would not have to curse them out! "
A woman who wears a mini skirt is not the sin. Rather your hearts desire to lust after her is the sin. Drinking is not the sin. Your lack of desire to stop drinking before you get drunk is the problem. Sin is manifest from what our hearts are filled with. Ask GOD to address the real problem, your heart! And once you have given your heart to him do not take it back. Live a life of confirmation of the new heart he has given you, instead of a life of contamination that taints it.
Be encouraged and know I love you all ways and in always.
Rev. M. Harrison
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